Portal II PC PS3
Introduction After playing through Portal an...
By Zora Flatley2386
Infamous 2 is an open-world, action-adventure game developed by Sucker Punch Productions. Infamous 2 is the sequel to Infamous, and while I’ve never played the first game, Infamous 2 is definitely a game worth playing on its own.
With a unique take on the idea of superheroes and their applications as well as an interesting storyline and insanely gripping control responses, Infamous 2 is a very easy game to binge and finish in three or four successive sittings.
Infamous has its fair share of issues and there’s much that could have been improved upon, but it definitely deserves its 83% Metacritic rating. Infamous 2 chronologically follows Infamous almost immediately, but the stories are separate enough that players exclusive to the sequel shouldn’t have too much trouble following.
Infamous 2 follows the adventure of superhuman Cole MacGrath in his struggle to defeat a dangerous, world-ending beast called – well – the Beast. Cole MacGrath is an activated Conduit, a rare person with an expressed “superpower” gene, that effectively gives him superpowers.
Cole has the power to control electricity, which is much more fun than it seems. Infamous 2 is set in the fictional city of New Marais, a city somewhere on the southern coast of North America that looks suspiciously like New Orleans. Being in a modernized urban area with the power to control electricity makes Cole’s life incredibly interesting, and players get to interact differently with the various pieces of electrical equipment, using power lines to travel around the map quickly, and even firing electrical missiles from transformers to repower powered down areas and make them accessible parts of the map.
See, at the beginning of the game, Cole travels south to New Marais from Empire City, where the Beast had attacked and reset Cole’s power level back to zero (not great plot development, but had to happen for a realistic power growth curve in the sequel).
In New Marais, Cole has to slowly power up his body until he’s powerful enough to defeat the beast, all the while exploring the history of Conduits and their various powers, as well as the evil politician Joseph Bertrand who is vying for control of the city.
Later in the story, Cole also uncovers the story behind the Beast and has to make a bunch of big decisions that lead to the split ending of the story, but suffice to say that the story is unique enough that, while nothing exactly new, it puts a modern twist on old, well-done concepts of action and adventure that make the game enjoyable.
Mostly, I just liked exploring the concept of how Conduits worked and the different powers that were available to them, as well as unlocking all the different abilities Cole slowly grew to access.
To be honest, the cast of side characters, with the possible exception of Zeke, was pretty bland, and the few times where, in other games, I would be confused and interested at the mention of characters that were present in the previous game, I didn’t even care, and just powered through the cutscenes.
Infamous 2 is a pretty classic, third-person open-world game with plenty of combat, quests, and powers to keep players occupied. However, Cole can’t physically enter any buildings and all of the dialogue is either done on rooftops or the streets, making the game feel a bit open at times. Cole is a master of parkour though, and the climbing, running, and jumping are the best part of the game especially when taken in combination with Cole’s “static thrusters” a power that lets Cole glide by forming electrical clouds around his hands.
The combat could do with some work since it mainly comes down to firing electrical bolts out of Cole’s hands as fast as possible at the enemies without missing or being hit by their bullets or (in the case of the monsters that appear later on) various appendages.
The game also has a melee weapon, Cole’s Amp, a glorified club that Cole can charge with electricity to whack stuff with. It’s alright, I guess? No really strong opinion there, although it’s fun to pull it out once in a while and add variety to the combat.
Quests. Being an open-world game, Infamous 2 has its fair share of sidequests. As Cole travels around the map, NPCs might flag him down and tell him about nearby bad guys that need to be shot or collectibles that have to be delivered. Pretty much yawn-worthy.
Nothing really special going on there except the need to collect experience to unlock Cole’s next power. What sidequests can affect though, is Cole’s Karma, a system that evolves Cole’s character – slightly – as a result of the actions the player makes him do.
If the player makes Cole kill civilians and do bad things, Cole becomes Evil, changing his clothes and giving him tattoos. Pretty simplistic and absolutist, but it does unlock some powers that a Good Cole would be unable to access, which does add some variety in a replay, what with different NPCs supporting Cole and, eventually, a different ending to the main storyline being made available based on Cole’s Karmic alignment.
An interesting idea overall, but not diverse enough to warrant being the main selling point for Infamous.
Graphics and Sound
Nothing too impressive, to be completely honest. Neither the sound nor the art design is particularly outstanding, and while not outwardly detracting from the experience of playing the game.
Don’t expect to walk slowly around the city enjoying the architecture or listening to the unique area themes. I will note that the lightning effects are cool enough, although that’s really a point for the story and lore of Infamous not the art direction.
Infamous 2 has problems, and on paper, those problems are a lot more than the benefits that make Infamous stand out. But, despite that, the things that Infamous does get right make it incredibly enjoyable and rewarding to play.
Cruising around New Marais, gliding with the static thrusters and zapping the latest monsters to come crawling out of the swamp, all as the world slowly comes crashing down around Cole with the arrival of the Beast makes for a truly enjoyable experience for the length and breadth of the game.
Updated 3 years ago