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By Adonis Monahan1362
As the wordy title suggests, this book is supposed to be about a scientific approach towards treating ADHD, regardless of whether the approaches are drug-based or not.
As victims of the disorder, we all know that like all mental health dilemmas, there isn’t exactly a set method of treatment that cures the ailment completely. Disorders like ADHD are predicaments that will stay with you till the end of your life.
That is why information about how to coexist with it is so crucial. The good thing is that this book is written by Adrian Winship, a person with ADHD who claims to have overcome the paralyzing symptoms of it, using the techniques in his book.
The fact that Adrian has ADHD is evident from his scattered way of writing. It is an easy read, but doesn’t really do what it set out to do, which is to elaborately explain the science behind the treatment techniques, and why they work, especially the non-psychopharmacological approaches.
The preface goes about the motivation behind Adrian’s motivation to write this book. How he was traumatized by his upbringing, and the loss of the love of his life, causing him to start seeking help and get diagnosed.
Truth be told, this book deviates quite a bit from its intended medical statement, by getting encapsulated in a cheesy almost self-help vibe. That being said, it is a light-hearted book that sheds some light on therapeutic approaches for ADHD.
Surprisingly, the majority of the book focuses on the non-drug approach in treatment, and treads shallowly on the prominence of drug based treatments in the psychiatric field. However, this is expected given how it is the non-drug treatments that are seldom researched.
Unfortunately, Adrian seems to be rather biased towards non-drug treatments, based on his own personal experience. This is swell and all, but as mentioned more than once in the book, psychiatric treatment is an extremely customizable and personal thing that differs from one person to the other.
Updated 3 years ago