Google Workspace - Formerly G Suite - Review

Google Workspace - Formerly G Suite

Google Workspace - Formerly G Suite - Review

G Suite, now known as Google Workspace is an integrated suite of enterprise-based tools such as Google Docs, Google Drive, Gmail, Google Sheets, and so forth. Collectively, these products require a monthly subscription to reap the benefits to help streamline your business. Many people contemplate whether paying additional costs for this digital workspace will yield better results than that of the free apps available. Read on to find out whether the splurge is worth it.

G Suite Subscription Offers

The main concern for consumers is whether the paid subscription is worth the upgrade since free Google apps provide plenty of sufficient tools for networking. Taking the leap and opting for the upgrade means having access to many viable features and better service.

Different tiers have different offers; however, the basic offers you will attain are key Google apps with enhanced features as follows:

      Gmail for business

      Google Meet for video and audio conferences

      Calendar for appointments and events

      Google Docs to create online content

      Keep to make and save important notes

      Google Drive for cloud storage

      Google Sheets for better organization and spreadsheets

      Chat for team communication

      Access to additional G Suite apps via Google Marketplace

The Benefits of G Suite

Gmail is ranked high among the most effective platforms for business since it integrates with Google Docs and Drive for cloud work. Freelancers and entrepreneurs already utilize these free apps. Upgrading to G suite will provide better service as you can send emails with important documents from your domain rather than

With your own domain, your freelance or small business will benefit from recipients receiving a professional email address; for instance: (firstname)@(BusinessName).com

Google Calendar is utilized to set dates and events for personal use; however, professionals can reap the benefits of arranging meetings and video calls through Google Meets and interact as a team on Chat. These upgraded apps allow you to use your business email and domain, saving you money on video conferencing software.

One argument against the upgrade is that Google Drive Storage provides sufficient storage for the average small business owner or freelancer. However, when looking to expand, the extra storage to fill up with work recordings, inspiring podcasts, and important documents and video files will be helpful. Invariably, it’s never insufficient to have increased storage space for your business.

At some point in time, you’ll need a website to maintain professionalism, but many do not want to splurge on hiring a web designer, even though it will gain traction and generate more consumers. With the G Suite upgrade, you’ll solve a lot of these issues as Google Sites is the app that provides you with the tools to create your own website.

You’ll have an easy-to-use and responsive platform to showcase your business, and you won’t have to put in extra effort to make it mobile-friendly. Another bonus is that you can create temporary sites as well for upcoming events and projects. So, all in all, a cost-effective solution to building a website.

Forms is another viable tool you can obtain through G Suite. This app allows you to create surveys and forms that can be shared online. When starting or growing a business, this will aid in gathering customer data to establish marketing purposes. Quizzes and surveys are much easier to manufacture because Google Forms automatically analyzes data.

G Suite Support

G Suite provides you with 24/7 support in various forms to ensure the workspace is user-friendly. You can contact support through email, phone, or even online chat, making this vendor the most helpful and efficient if you are struggling to understand any of the complex tools.


G Suite allows you to access and utilize all available services from Gmail and Drive using apps on the marketplace; for instance, DocuSign, Zoom, EverNote, etc. In addition to that, you’ll have extra services to use, such as data loss prevention tools, extra integration, and can manage mobile fleets and search for everything Google in G Suite.

G Suite for Small Businesses

G Suite is ideal for those with a small business who may not have the finances needed to jump-start their business or brand. G Suite is most notably designed to support and subsidize small businesses since larger corporations require more in-depth solutions and services. G Suite provides the fundamental foundation for small businesses consisting of one to more staff and adjusts accordingly to your needs.

G Suite Marketplace

The G Suite Marketplace is one of the most essential additions that supplies many more services and features to your business. This primarily benefits small businesses as it allows an entrepreneur to find appropriate apps designed by skilled developers to improve their business or aid their niche project. Moreover, aside from downloading or buying apps, you can also publish your own apps that meet other businesses’ needs.

G Suite Monthly Costs

Users get a 2-week free trial to contemplate the edition they would like to subscribe to G Suite offers four pricing tiers as follows:

      Business Starter for $6 per month

      Business Standard for $12 per month

      Business Plus for $18 per month

      Enterprise tier can cost $25 per month with additional fees for extra abilities and features.


      Convenient and User-Friendly


      24/7 Support

      Cloud Storage

      Full collaboration suite with enterprise-based products

      Excellent usability

      Excellent anti-spam and anti-phishing features



      Works best when connected to the internet, despite its offline options

      Can only share files, not drives, with external persons

      Inconveniently confusing with multiple Google accounts

      Not compatible with Microsoft Exchange

      External servers sending calendar invites can cause glitches

      No built-in method to send encrypted email

The overall verdict is that the pros outweigh the cons. Small business owners and staff will find this productivity suite to immensely benefit their ability to work and communicate as a team.

The bottom line is the familiar apps and easy-to-use features make it easy to navigate success for any business, and with the additional tools, building a brand is made much simpler and is cost-effective. As your business grows, customizing features is an easy task through G Suite.

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Updated 4 years ago