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By Kathy Graves868
“Sophie’s World” takes the reader on a philosophical journey from Socrates to Sarte.
The author discusses intriguing philosophical questions, making the mind ponder as it absorbs information from a series of well-known philosophers.
The author Jostein Gaarder introduces important philosophical concepts in a creative way. A 14-year-old girl, named Sophie, finds two notes in her mailbox with a question on each: “Who are you?” and “Where does the world come from?”.
Through Sophie and her correspondent’s letters, the reader is introduced to a world of philosophy, filled with unique information that, sometimes, might even feel too much for the brain to comprehend in large doses.
However, the story of the mysterious philosopher, and how Sophie becomes obsessed with these questions, is an exciting one, by which the reader feels obligated to finish the book to uncover the riddle at hand.
While, the truth is quite complicated and the ending is rather disappointing; the information displayed in the book is intense, but truly captivating for anyone interested to learn about philosophy.
Because the book discusses questions that cross many peoples’ minds about life, the world and many other topics, it is a great way to gain insight of how several philosophers, throughout history, tackled these topics and what their findings were.
“Sophie’s World” is a true gem, due to the immense knowledge present within the book and how it forces the mind to ponder as it starts to learn how to question and try to make sense of the surrounding world.
For those individuals struggling with existence, the purpose of life and facing difficulties, because the world doesn’t make sense, this book is an absolute must read. It covers many different aspects and takes you through a journey of knowledge that will fascinate your mind with every piece of knowledge gained.
Updated 3 years ago