The Hunger Games by Suzanne...
How far are you willing to go to survive? Ma...
By Adonis Monahan1125
The Jigsaw Man begins with Michael Fox, homeless and down on his luck, living in a dumpster under a bridge somewhere in Buffalo. He was once a prosperous family man, but an accident ruined his life and now he lives on the streets as a bum.
He decides to kill himself to provide a bit of money to his daughter through his life insurance policy, but when he tries, a man in a limousine gives Michael an offer. Trade his arm for three million dollars. It sounds good, but what follows is a nightmare in a medical doctor’s hellhouse.
This modern-day Frankenstein takes Michael Fox through hell and back. He must survive the deranged doctor and his experiments to make it out alive… But what then?
What a fun book. There is no other way to describe Rollo’s Jigsaw Man other than fun. From page one we are introduced to a homeless guy and his homeless buddies, and it’s hilarious. Even though the tone is dark and extremely depressing, it is fun to read from beginning to end.
Now, that doesn’t mean this book is smart. It’s not. Jigsaw Man is totally ridiculous. But if you accept it for what it is, you’ll enjoy it. The first-person narrative is easy to get behind as it feels like Michael is sitting across from you telling his story.
I really have no complaints, other than the tedious medical explanations near the beginning. You don’t so much feel sympathy for the characters as you just enjoy hanging out with them and watching what happens.
The end is predictable, but you knew it would be. 10/10 for me. Just the right amount of gore, humor, and silliness to make this “horror” book come to life. I would definitely read another of Mr. Rollo’s books.
Updated 3 years ago