The Regulators by Stephen K...
It’s a quiet afternoon on Poplar Street, as a...
By Adonis Monahan1576
Back in the “Dark Tower” universe, “Wind Through the Keyhole” was the last of the books to be released. It is a side-story, a one-off, Stephen King wanted to tell that has little to do with the actual events of the books.
It takes place after Roland and his Kat-Tet’s meeting with the Tick-Tock Man and the Green Palace. Roland tells the story, one night, around the campfire; the book is actually a story within a story.
He tells them the tale from his youth when he went hunting a dangerous Skin Man. He then tells a young boy, during that story, a tale his mother told him, about the wind through the keyhole.
This is the main story and it follows young Tim, who lives in a small rural village where the men mostly harvest lumber. Little Tim ends up wandering into the dark woods, to help his mother, where he has a very fun, almost childish adventure.
This book was an extremely fun read; I could hardly put it down. The Dark Tower series is an all-time favorite, and to have an eighth installment slammed between books four and five are great. Stephen King is plain having fun with this one.
We get to revisit Roland’s gang briefly, seeing Roland as a young and violent Gunslinger, get some closure about his dead mother, and experience the fun and darkly dramatic story of young Tim and his trip into the Endless Forest.
The characters are new but familiar (a certain dark and undying man), and King brings to life yet another beautiful set-piece, with Tim and his village, his abused mother and hated stepfather and Roland’s run-in with the skin-changer. It’s almost as good as the rest of the Dark Tower books, and 100% better than Song of Susannah.
Updated 3 years ago