World of Warcraft: Arthas -...
Christie Golden is a genius because she manag...
By Reanna Quitzon2364
This novel will keep you on the edge of your seat whether you played the games or not. Christie Golden proved again just how much she can bring more to the table with these amazing characters. She managed to let us see everyone a lot deeper. The tension and conflicts between each character were beautifully written.
The novel talks about the events after the sacking of Ogrimmar and how Garrosh was taken into custody to answer for his crimes. Taran Zhu wanted Garrosh to stand trial and face the consequences of his actions but diplomatically, legally, and fairly. I admired that he wanted to do that, even after all the suffering he inflicted on Taran Zhu's people.
The trial was great and I liked the flashback sequences that happened during the back and forth statements between Tyrande and Baine. I felt so sorry for Baine because even though he was deemed to be the person defending Garrosh, he had to endure a lot to go through the entire process.
He tried to do what's right, showing honor and integrity. But it pained him to counter-argue with everyone else that took the stand to talk about all the horrors that Garrosh did. He believed that Garrosh could change.
I found it very cool that the great Celestials managed to be the Jury in this trial, coming in with their Humanoid forms. But I think one of the best parts ever in the novel has to be the conversation between Anduin and Garrosh.
Anduin almost died because Garrosh and yet he was still there talking with him, listening to what he had to say. That part when they mentioned the Lich King was so amazingly written.
It's a shame that all their efforts were for nothing because Garrosh escaped and the trial was pretty much useless, but I loved reading what each character had to say and some of them had amazing bonds and interesting relationships.
I think the little subplots that were away from the entire trial were much more intriguing for me; even the Windrunner sisters made an appearance. Christie's storytelling was just spot-on perfect.
This novel was just too good, and I don't think anyone could have written it better than Christie Golden. I'd give this book a 9.5/10 and I do recommend that people should read it.
Updated 4 years ago