Friends - Season Four - Rev...
Some people don’t really like this season, co...
By Ethan Griffin1442
Season 2 was one of the best seasons for Friends; it was funny, the jokes and lines were on point and the characters matured, each finding their own direction in life. Starting from season 3 the show starts to improve, now that the writers, the creators of the show, and the actors are all on the same page.
In this season we get to see how talented the actors are as comedians. There are some intense moments and additional details that make each character unique and relatable to everyone in the audience.
We get to see Ross’s relationship with his son and ex-wife. Ross’s masculinity, the way he thinks, and tries to “protect him” (his son), like letting him play with a Barbie doll that he fell in love with. Ross and Rachel decide to take a break; this break’s jokes will stay with us till the end of the show.
Rachel finally quits working at Central Perk and finds her dream job instead. She works in Fashion and takes it very seriously; who wouldn’t, after all, she works at Ralph Lauren.
Other than the relationship drama that occurs between Rachel and Ross, and how they handle things among their friends. There were other awesome episodes that actually gave the actors enough space to show us their real talents, like “The One with the Football”; this one was one of my all-time favorite episodes from Friends.
Another episode that will make you laugh out loud in front of the TV was “The One Where No One’s Ready”. Only a few shows could make me laugh that loud and hard, while sitting alone or watching goofy moments for the characters.
They also start to interact with the world around them, as friends, and have hobbies or weird interests of their own. An example would be when they make this really long poking device for Ugly Naked Guy to see if he’s doing ok.
This season of friends is actually very emotional, real and most importantly funny. You will definitely want to see more of Friends after this season.
Updated 3 years ago