Breaking Bad Season 3 - Rev...
Since last season, Walter White has been lett...
By Ethan Griffin2060
The first season of breaking bad is like a nice preview of the characters and the storyline of the show. It ends with the beginning of a troubling story between a teacher who was hoping to leave a little extra money to cover his family while he inevitably loses a battle to cancer.
He cooks myth with his former student, and even though we see that he tries to control himself to become the most none badass drug dealer of all time, he can’t help it. He gets in trouble and gets out of it even stronger and more of a drug dealer than a chemistry teacher. He gains the respect of other powerful drug dealers. Will Walter slowly dissolve into Heisenberg?
The plot and the storyline just couldn’t be better and the acting and development of characters are so good you will want to see this season more than once. The ending of season 1 showed us a little from the demon inside Walter, the debate of is he good or is he bad? Should we love Walter, or should we see the corruption in him is kind of settled to the theory that we can all have a bad side no matter how good we are deep inside.
Jesse is a very realistic character in this show. The lost kid who does drugs because he lacks motive or purpose in life falls in love. He also falls into a relapse and becomes a Junkie again.
He starts off the season having issues with Hank and having a hard time dealing with the trouble they got into, but they keep showing us that he is a good kid deep inside with lost dreams and a pure soul. He loses the love of his life to drugs and Walter becomes so hard on him, it drives him away but also puts him on the right path like a father-figure leader would do to a lost young man.
Skyler proves that she is a smart, independent, and strong woman. She proves she does her job as the backbone of the family perfectly and that she is not too naive after all. Walter Junior has a few goods, emotional scenes where he tells his father how much he looks up to him and that he doesn’t want to lose him.
Walter changes a little bit at home and his new life starts affecting his actions involuntarily. He keeps on trying to gain control over it but it’s a slippery slope. Hank’s character also develops beautifully revealing how he is a tough guy with a very soft heart. You will definitely love this season and where this show is taking you. The dark storyline is very entertaining.
Updated 3 years ago