Breaking Bad Season 4 - Rev...
This is by far the best season of the best se...
By Ethan Griffin1381
Since last season, Walter White has been letting his inner demon get in control of him. They own him, they’re possessive, aggressive, corrupted, and simply do not give a damn about the world.
For the first time in the life of a chemistry teacher who has always been a good man at heart and soul; a man of values, virtue, and good intentions that all Walter has been doing is breaking into Heisenberg, one of the most powerful drug dealers in the territory. Is he going to stop?
Walter starts off the season with not so good terms with everyone. He has been selling myth to gangs who do horrible things and cause terror to everyone including the DEA. Walter’s cancer is in remission, but every other aspect of his normal life has been slowly decaying.
He has been falling into the trap he promised himself he will not get into. He has been killing people, causing chaos, and making money all for his family that in this season he beings to lose slowly.
Skyler finds out about her husband’s secret and she kicks him out of the house. She doesn’t know who he has become, and he doesn’t know how to get back on track.
How can his transformation bring Walter back, how does he get rid of Heisenberg and does he even want to do that? The character development is just outstanding, the transformation, the breaking bad part is off the hook. The plot is extraordinary. In this season you come to the realization that this show only gets better!
This season Walter is at home, he is on his toes trying all ways and all threats possible to get his wife back, trying to make her understand that without her and Walter Junior he has nothing to live for. However, Skyler takes the upper hand and makes sure she annoys Walter as much as he annoys her.
She makes sure she gives him some of that abuse back. Walter Junior, on the other hand, wanting his father to come back home pressures the mother as well and gets on his father’s side.
We get to see Hank starting to connect the dots and find out things that are too close and too dangerous for him to find out. Even though Hank is a simple man, it’s not going to be long before he finds out about his brother in law.
Jesse has switched roles with Walter this season because he has now realized he is rich, sober, and has nothing to lose after the loss of the love of his life. He doesn’t know that she died because Walter left her there dying so he can desperately bring Jesse back to him.
Updated 3 years ago