shazam! - Movie Review
Did the DCEU actually get something right? Ye...
By Kathy Graves1369
Shifting from the conventional superhero-movie archetype, Deadpool is Marvel’s twist on the stereotypical good-guy forced to become earth's savior narrative, that we've all grew to love and are kind of bored with. Drenched in irony, dark humor and an unsettling amount of murders, Deadpool is a breath of filthy, yet fresh air.
Starring Ryan Reynolds as the sarcastic mercenary whose life is turned upside down when he literally falls down. Through the constant flashbacks and fast-forwards (which surprisingly aren’t annoying), we learn that before the red spandex and the healing powers, Deadpool was Wade Wilson, a former special service agent with 41 kills, who turned into a “bad guy” that beats up worse guys. He falls heads over heels for the gorgeous badass Vanessa, played by Morena Baccarin whom he was forced to abandon, fueling his destructive nature.
The movie starts with an unorthodox opening credits scene, highlighting how this movie isn’t like any you’ve watched before as the movie begins roasting the director, "An Overpaid Tool”, and points out the clichés to be expected in the movie, poking fun at our love for clichés.
The events revolve around Deadpool trying to find the British villain, played by ex-mercenary in Games of thrones Ed Skrein, who is the only person that could help him get his looks, and Vanessa, back. Locating him involves a mixture of violence, humor, and some more violence.
In between the killings, the self-awareness filled moments and the sarcastic jokes, we see characters from the X-men making some appearances trying to guide him to the right path with a few jabs here and there about the wolverine.
Even though it’s an anti-hero movie, Deadpool isn’t much of a bad guy since he balances the beatings he gives with his unwavering charisma you can’t help but be on his side, even when he is wrong and the British villain is also kind of scary
It's not a kid’s movie, that’s for sure, as it’s filled with sexual jokes that are the base for Deadpool’s character and fortunately you aren’t haunted by the need to get every joke as Deadpool acknowledges he isn’t that funny all the time.
If you are going to watch the movie, buckle up it’s a weird ride!
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T.J. Miller, Gina Carano, and Brianna Hildebrand.
Credits: Directed by Tim Miller, written by Rhett Reese Paul Wernick.
A 20th Century Fox release.
Rating: R, for profanity and sexual situations
Updated 3 years ago