Iron Man - Movie Review
Marvel’s introduction to their cinematic univ...
By Kathy Graves1285
Superhero movies have always been a strong commercial attraction, but they were never part of the discussion regarding artistic prominence. However, with the rise of Marvel as an industrial superpower in Hollywood, more people started realizing that this isn’t a simple money-making genre, but rather a global phenomenon.
Superhero movies have seen loads of progress over the years, starting late 1990’s, early 2000’s, superhero productions stopped being about mere muscular guys in tights, but rather a fully encompassing depiction of the intrinsic altruistic nature within all of us. One of the game changers in this respect was the box office hit Spiderman 1.
Spiderman is by far one of the most famous comics in the world, so a movie depicting the rise of this superhero saga is sure to be a commercial success. That being said, Toby McGuire really did go over the top with this role. He’s always been considered a roaring talent, but this movie really did put him on the map.
Furthermore, for a movie in the early 2000s, it really set a new standard for the use of CGI. The plot starts, as expected, with Parker being bitten by a mutant spider. The truly impressive thing is Peter’s transformation; from an awkward fragile nerdy kid to a superhuman with a flair for saving the day.
While it's an action/adventure movie in the first place, Spider-Man is a lot more. There is a relatively strong degree of romanticism-after all, as Peter reflects on his fascination with Mary Jane. Those two make a good couple, but the strongest of their love tale has yet to come (their embrace is unforgettable, as Spider-Man seals his lips with hers, dangling upside down).
Spider-Man often sometimes gives motivational supplements, the strongest from Uncle Ben's advice to Peter: "Great duty falls to him with great energy." That statement was Spider-Man's mission statement in the comic book.
Updated 3 years ago