Jessica Jones Season One - Review

Jessica Jones Season One

Jessica Jones Season One - Review

This is one of, if not the, best seasons of any TV show that has ever been made. It starts off slow, I’ll give you that, but it becomes addicting VERY quickly.

It seems like every show and movie is superhero-themed these days, which has gotten a little boring. That said, Jessica Jones isn’t like the rest of those shows.

There’s something about the direction and cinematography; it's like watching a film noir… but in color – if that makes any sense. But it's got this vibe that balances mystery with thriller and after about three or four episodes you connect with the characters and delve into the world playing out in front of you.

If you were looking for a direct comic book adaptation you may not enjoy it. Jessica doesn’t dress up as Jewel, but there is a quick nod to the character. Killgrave isn’t purple like in the comics, well, not exactly.

I don’t mean to tease but also avoiding spoilers. Speaking of Killgrave; David Tennant’s portrayal is absolutely sublime.

With an absolutely phenomenal story, well-crafted dialogue, and amazing film making, you are going to be taken on an emotional rollercoaster when it comes to whom you cheer for and whom you hate, but at no point will you be bored.

Krysten Ritter, who plays Jessica Jones, holds her own acting opposite Tennant, which, believe me, is a feat. She delivers the perfect balance between hero and antihero. The characters surrounding Jessica all subtly work on comparing, contrasting, and, at times, foreshadowing her future.

The show does have some tangential storylines that, in my opinion, are a little unnecessary and somewhat distracting from the overall story, but on a whole, the season is still superb! The show is less about superheroes than it is a normal story.

Like, the superhero theatricality, if you will, isn’t in your face. It’s truly like no other superhero TV show you’ve seen. You can watch this season as a standalone; without having seen Daredevil. 10/10

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