Sherlock - Season Four - Re...
Season Four, the final season of Sherlock is...
By Ethan Griffin1415
With last season ending on a more depressing note, given that Sherlock had died, we start this season with the surprising twist that he had not, in fact, committed suicide.
Although many speculations were made, the show never actually shows the audience how exactly Sherlock managed to fake his death and continue living undercover for two years. Another interesting turn this season is that the audience actually gets four episodes this time around rather than the usual three.
The series starts off, with the episode titled “The Empty Hearse” showing how Mycroft Holmes was able to go undercover and save his brother and take him back to London.
We also see how Sherlock’s flatmate, Watson moved on with his life and was planning on proposing to his future wife, Mary Morstan. This episode is based on the story of a similar name in the book, “The Empty House”.
It was an interesting twist of words as the hearse was indeed empty given that Sherlock was not dead. The two other episodes which are “The Sign of Three” and “His Last Vow” are based on “The Sign of the Four” and “The Last Bow”, which are also changed up a bit to fit the narrative.
The extra episode, however, takes on a very different approach. The episode titled “The Abominable Bride” is not actually set in current times, but when the book is actually set, 1887.
Although it was nice for the audience to get an extra episode, and a glimpse as to how things would have been if it had been at that time instead, the episode provided nothing extra to the storyline and was not as interesting as the other episodes. The direction, along with the costume and editing however for that specific episode were definitely incredible.
Overall this season was quite interesting, yet not as compelling as the two previous ones. However, the cinematography continues to be extremely captivating, therefore the season takes a rating of 8/10.
Updated 3 years ago