Gal Gadot
Early Life On the 30th of April 1985, in Ros...
By Susan Giles2870
There is no denying that superhero movies aren’t the most prominent artistically of films. The bar is set lower for them because they are basically just a product of the mainstream and not really meant to influence the viewer. However, it is one thing to not be cultured, and another to be a huge waste of time.
Unfortunately, that is the case with DC’s Batman V Superman. While Man of Steel brought much promise to DC’s cinematic universe, this installment has proven Marvel’s superiority over DC when it comes to a fully integrated cinematic universe. The real disappointment is how highly anticipated this movie was, but eventually broke avid DC fans’ hearts.
The plot starts once more with little Bruce Wayne witnessing the murder of his parents by a mugger, closely followed by his encounter with a flock of bats in a cellar next to the regal Wayne Manor. Everyone loves a backstory, but given how Batman’s origin story is widely known, it’d have been much better if they depicted it with more flair, rather than a mere haze of inconsistent shots.
The next scene serves to show the start of the feud between Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne, from Batman’s perspective. It then proceeds to unravel the real advent of Superman to the world, and how Batman is rather a frightening rodent-beast governed by his own neuroses.
One of the most annoying things about this movie is how it keeps on building up to this epic standoff between the two, and ends up giving the fight scene a fraction of what it deserved. As shown, there are many downsides to watching Batman V Superman’s theatrical version, but it is still grossed 3 times its budget, making it a successful endeavor for DC.
Frankly, this movie is ultimately just laying the ground for DC’s Justice League saga’s consecutive films in the series, so if you’ve read the comics, you can just skip to the next chapter.
Updated 3 years ago