Gal Gadot
Early Life On the 30th of April 1985, in Ros...
By Susan Giles2866
Wonder Woman has been at her finest since her conception by William Moulton Marston in 1941. Her tale has always leaned towards strong feminist ethos and not so much about violence or domination. That’s why when talks of a standalone Wonder Woman movie was in the talks to be made, avid fans of the comic books worried that DC would cheapen that aspect of the story to gain more commercial success.
Truth be told, DC isn’t so eloquent when depicting their comics on the big screen. That being said, the movie is actually considered a breath of fresh air, in comparison with previous installments in the Justice League movie saga.
Wonder Woman has a vibrancy and honesty that none of her DC counterparts can assert, but it remains a story about a moral dilemma and a character that struggles to pursue an identity.
In this film, the favorite topics of the DCEU are explored: is it really necessary to have heroes to save humanity and is it appropriate for anyone to exercise tremendous power? Founder Allan Heinberg and Patty Jenkins tackle both these topics with a take that the previous films of the franchise missed.
Not to mention, that the humorous sequences in it are actually much more enjoyable than one would expect from a DC movie.
Despite it being more of a critical success than its previous counterparts, it still has all the tell-tale signs of the things that plagued DC movies. Fortunately, these downsides were overlooked by an excellent performance between the leading stars, Gal Gadot and Chris Pine.
However, the movie still undersold the whole feminist part of the story. Wonder Woman reflects more on the atrocities of war, comradeship rewards and simple, old-fashioned super-heroics. Batman from the DCEU tortures prisoners and attempts to destroy Superman while Superman himself unintentionally destroys towns and is forced to murder peasants. Wonder Woman is battling wrongs and protecting people. The woman is a blessing, really.
Updated 3 years ago