Captain America: The First...
Captain America: The First Avenger might be o...
By Reanna Quitzon2645
At this point, it's safe to say that this film needs no introduction. Avengers: End Game is one of the most successful movies ever to be made. It’s the last in a line of movies in Marvel’s cinematic universe that ran for the duration of two decades, and by god was it a powerful ending to an era.
Notably, the previous installment, Infinity War, ended on the saddest note in the history of superhero movies. In one of the best uses of a cliffhanger, the villain, Thanos, managed to collect all of the Infinity Stones and disintegrated half of the universe’s population. End Game picks up the story from the point after the demise of billions of people.
Our remaining heroes are all fighting to keep the peace and remain the backbone the universe needs to recover. At last, "Endgame" is a better suited and smaller ensemble than the "Infinity War." It's a more cautious, focused picture, even though the movie incorporates elements of a dozen other films.
Although 'Infinity' may feel overwhelming, 'Endgame' offers a chance for true super heroism on the part of some of the most famous characters in the MCU's timeline. In a way, the latest Avengers and the stronger community of superheroes remind me of the appeal of Joss Whedon's first Avengers film, where powerful characters would ricochet off each other, instead of looking as if they were stuck in the same path in a Ferris wheel.
Scenes involving characters who do not really fit together are as relevant as moments in which heroes reconcile with their deceased parents as it bears witness to the film's sure hand in patching up severed emotional ties that have been building ever since the start of the first Iron Man movie.
For Avengers: Endgame, people don't line up early in the morning to find flaws in it. It's about enjoying commitment, fandom and hopes. "Endgame" is doing all of this irrespective of its shortcomings, with a deep respect for the fans of this world. It truly is a cultural phenomenon that we were so lucky to witness.
Updated 3 years ago