How I Met Your Mother - Sea...
Come another season of How I Met Your Mother,...
By Kathy Graves1583
Season five returns with a greater comeback after season four. With surprisingly bigger issues than its predecessor; the storyline and writing return to its initial absorbing nature.
Where season four lacked in 100% interest, season five compensates for that. A MAJOR theme in this season is changing. Change from routine, change of nature, change of behavior, and even change in relationships.
A cool thing that the writers do throughout How I Met Your Mother, is how they create contrasting plots throughout, which makes it more hilarious than if left alone. As much as they portray change, they also portray that even though we can change in many ways, we can remain stagnant in one area.
For instance, (spoiler alert), when Ted meets a woman he goes on a blind date with and turns out that he had gone out with her before a few years earlier, we realize the contrast between the fact that Ted had grown so much, yet remains to be the same person on the inside.
Another way they show change is through Robin’s character. Given that this season becomes more Robin and Barney centric as opposed to previous seasons, we see how their relationship has changed both characters drastically.
For starters, given that we see how Barney has a playboy personality, as they get together and start dating, we see how Robin starts to get extremely jealous when she does not know where he goes at night. That was written very well as it is true that we can get out of our normal habits when we’re with someone who we aren’t completely in sync with.
Throughout the show, the viewers feel that Robin and Barney would actually be a great fit, but we see how they were extremely toxic for one another. With this, the way this was shown was too comical (not in an actually funny way), and extremely rushed.
They showed how Barney got extremely overweight and Robin stopped taking care of herself just because they got “too comfortable” in a toxic relationship. When they ended up breaking up, they reverted back to their natural selves in a matter of minutes in the show.
This didn’t feel at all relatable nor funny, to say the least. Again, the writers probably thought that they had to make the show light, but standards such as sudden change seem unattainable.
With that said, this only issue spanned in a matter of an episode and a half, yet the rest of the show was definitely better and more interesting than season four – overall 8.5/10.
Updated 4 years ago