How I Met Your Mother - Sea...
For a series that made its fans feel like the...
By Ethan Griffin1475
Season seven starts with another flash-forward to the day when Ted Mosby is the best man at Barney Stinson’s wedding. During the first episode though, we find out that Barney had called Nora from the previous season! It was a good comeback for both characters, and it seemed for a little while that maybe Nora would be the one he marries.
In the meantime, we realize that Robin is actually into Barney again as she uses a “fake” voice to convey the truth about her wanting to try again with Barney. It seems like a love triangle…yet it turns into a square a little while in.
Cut to a few episodes in, Barney and Robin get together after a rainstorm, cheating on both Nora and Kevin respectively. Confusing, right? Not even half of it. Barney later breaks up with Nora in the hopes that he gets together with Robin, but Robin decides not to break up with Kevin.
It seems weird given that she was pining over him the in the first episode. Little ways down Kevin and Robin break up because she can’t have children, and even though Robin seemed torn about it, it also seemed as though she were pushing Kevin to break up with her.
The night they break up, one of our beloved characters chimes in and tells Robin that he’s in love with her. Of course, it’s no other than our very own Ted Mosby.
Robin seems into it, but she travels for work and comes back, they go on a date together and, what do you know, she tells him she doesn’t want to be with him. Whew, what a season fully loaded with, well frankly, teenage drama!
This season was pretty much pulling at every possible string available. Ted suddenly liking Robin again, Barney leaving Nora who he had tried VERY hard to win back (stayed a whole night in a diner waiting for her), Robin ready to settle down with Kevin? The season felt like a complete stretch from what we had been seeing from previous seasons.
Instead of plotlines getting built for a reason, it seemed to be getting built for the purpose of crumbling it down and the characters moving on. Some storylines were, for the most part. useful, as we see that part of the effect of Robin rejecting Ted yet again was for him to feel as though he was haunted by her ghost, therefore needing to move out.
It just seems that this season just lacked creativity, as it was overall confusing for the viewers watching this show consistently. It’s safe to say it was not a terrible season, but it was for sure all over the place, therefore, taking its fair scoring of a 5.5/10.
Oh, and plot twist, we find out the wedding that Ted was the best man in is Barney and ROBIN’S at the end! Talk about all over the place.
Updated 3 years ago