How I Met Your Mother - Sea...
For a series that made its fans feel like the...
By Ethan Griffin1475
Becoming attached to a show is something many of us can go through when we like the storylines and fall in love with the characters. This is something that many people felt when watching How I Met Your Mother.
Yet, if there is one thing to say about How I Met Your Mother season nine, it is: disappointing. Even the writers themselves thought so too! But more on that in a bit.
Overall this season did not, in any way, live up to the rest of the show, granted that seasons seven and eight were a bit of a head up to this not so great finale.
With a show starting off really strong and with a twist on shows we have seen before, we only expected for the rest of it to be equally as interesting, if not even better. Think of any show that ended with closure and a feeling of completion – Friends, Breaking Bad, 30 Rock, and so on.
The season starts off and continues on and on with Marshall on a bus. Then he stays on that bus for what feels like the entire season. Then he takes a ride with a random character. Basically, the entire season is Marshal going to Barney and Robin’s wedding.
It would prove to be a nice juxtaposition if the pace in the inn that the wedding was held was at least a little fast but even though it moved faster than those bus/car scenes, it still was nowhere near interesting enough for a final season.
Most of the storylines are repetitive, they are not as interesting – think the parts with Barney making Ted do extravagant things for him because he was jealous of finding that locket for Robin.
At what point was that construed as “okay” given that Ted had been in love with Robin for nearly the entire season?! He threw a rain dance to keep her in the country for crying out loud! It was completely out of Barney’s character given that most of the time he felt guilty for liking Robin in the first place.
Cut to the end of the season, when Marshal finally shows up, Robin’s mother shows up for the first time in the entire season, and we finally see Ted and the mother, played by Cristin Milioti meet each other at the wedding and get together.
Of all the scrambled and rushed parts in How I Met Your Mother, the latter was most definitely the biggest disappointment. The finale of the season and of the entire show, was by far the biggest “what?” moment followed by “why?” Apparently, after nine full seasons, Ted meets the love of his life, has two children, and the mother dies.
And even though we were already introduced to her at the end of season eight, they still barely brought her in within the last season. It was cool to see how she had actually met all of the characters before she met Ted, and that it was not a “love at first sight” type of thing, instead, she went through a lot before being fully committed to Ted.
If the audience really thinks about it, it was also kind of cool that she was a random character as, true to real life, we could end up with someone pretty random and not the person we thought we would end up with.
And yet that all goes out the window when the finale is basically the mother suddenly dying and Ted’s children are telling him that since Robin was the main part of the show, that he seemed to be taking their permission to actually get together with their “aunt Robin”. What?
This seemed like a plot twist with very poor execution and the audience disliked it so much that an alternate ending was actually written. It instead starts with Lily saying how difficult it was for Ted to finally get “here” (here being his wedding), and Ted saying it wasn’t difficult, but it was long for sure.
It continues and ends (it’s a 4-minute ending) with that scene in the train station when Ted and Tracy (the mother) were talking about how it's ironic that sometimes you can “just find things”.
Even though this was definitely better than the mother dying and Ted ending up with Robin, it still was a 4-minute ending with little to no closure, leaving us baffled and just altogether confused. A tragic ending and a missed opportunity for a great show and a 3/10 is the ultimate best score it could possibly receive.
Updated 3 years ago