Batman v Superman - Movie R...
There is no denying that superhero movies are...
By Adonis Monahan1683
A bold, enlightening portrait of an alien that is humanity's only weapon against terrors from all over the place -both local, and extraterrestrial. This story has been a multigenerational source of inspiration and more to the point, something that actually unites us.
It isn’t an exaggeration to say that Superman has been the hero we’ve all grown up loving, and reading about in DC’s comics. Superman was introduced in June in 1938 by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster.
He’s always been somewhat of a classical hero, in classical times, kind of mirroring Marvel’s Captain America. Many movies have been made about this superhero, but none are like Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel.
Man of Steel unavoidably opens with the Krypton storyline. The decaying world is really spectacular visually and Russell Crowe's performance is out of this world, as Jor-El is –some of the most compelling actings the actor has done in a long time. Bygones to Marlon Brando's plain, stilted perception of him.
As the brave and inspirational Jor-El, Crowe really jumpstarts the whole movie. He puts his little child into a spaceship and sends him to Earth as Krypton meets its demise. In the meantime, the cocky General Zod is attempting to topple the regime, fails and is punished for his mistakes by spending a while in The Phantom Zone.
Man of Steel is a delightful surprise that ultimately pays respect to the legendary creators of Superman. The effects quality is top class and the action scenes, many of them, provide dynamic energy. The mood is glum -the humor is strong, but the presentation is completely impoverished on a few occasions.
The movie really attempts to be something more than a comic book movie in order to get taken seriously as a work of art. That's maybe one explanation for why Man of Steel never appears rapturous. You shouldn’t expect any less from a movie co-made with Christopher Nolan.
Updated 3 years ago