Before Sunrise - Movie revi...
Before Sunrise is the first film in the trilo...
By Reanna Quitzon1559
Ever since Titanic, most of us had hoped that the Academy Award-winners Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio would reunite since the chemistry they shared on-screen is rare, and now we get to see them in an exceptional movie.
Set in 1955, Revolutionary Road tells the story of Frank Wheeler (DiCaprio), a miserable salesman, with a sense of superiority that he takes everywhere, who lives at 115 Revolutionary Road with his wife April (Winslet) and their two kids.
April is an inspiring actress who never quite made it and goes through her days without any true purpose or sense of direction, immersing herself in chain-smoking and casual adultery which seems to have been the normal thing to do back then.
Demonstrated through the anger fits and their unsympathetic behavior, the couple’s dissatisfaction and frustration towards one another shines through the movie, yet still, they are able to cover their resentment and portray themselves as the perfect middle-class couple.
Despising where her life is heading, April comes up with a plan to help retrieve what’s left of their marriage, the unique arrangement includes packing their stuff, getting their two youngsters out of school, and traveling to Paris. There April will search and find a job as a well-compensated secretary and Frank will stay at home, come up with remarkable ideas, and jot them down.
However, once Frank is offered a promotion and a promise to a luxurious life, he second-guesses their marvelous plan and gets cold feet. April on the other hand, is set on changing the direction her life is headed to, but once she realizes that she is pregnant everything spirals down.
What makes this movie a great experience besides the exceptional plot, is the outstanding performance of each and every cast member. It’s heartbreaking and intriguing at once, it provides as well a cynical take on the 50s and the norms of that era.
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Michael Shannon, Kathryn Hahn, David Harbour, Kathy Bates.
Credits: Directed by Sam Mendes, Screenplay by Justin Haythe, bases on Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates, Released by DreamWorks Pictures.
Rating: R, for profanity and sexual situations
Updated 3 years ago