Iron Man 2 - Review
Superhero movies require little talent. They...
By Zora Flatley2054
I am a fan of all Iron Man movies, so my opinion on this one is rather unpopular I know, but I think Iron Man 3 was awesome. The only downside to it is that I don’t know how they’re going to keep on making more Iron Man movies with this ending.
Robert Downey Jr and his girlfriend/CEO of Stark companies, Gweneth Paltrow, are just great stars. They make the movie what it is, a funny, smart, sexy, entertaining superhero action film. In this firm, Iron Man fights an enemy who doesn’t know how to lose.
They’re not in it for losing, they’re now in it with only one goal in mind which is to end Tony Stark and defeat the cocky, self-centered superhero, Iron Man. It’s full of action and emotions that will keep you on your toes during the film.
Pepper, facing a lot of danger, will make you so worried, your stomach is going to hurt; and Tony Stark will get to know who is more dominant, who controls the other, him or the suit? But there are many different suits and looks it will blow your mind.
There’s also a new feature where the suit gets attached automatically to Tony’s body so he can wear it anytime, anywhere, without having to go through the hassle of “throw me the bag” they went through in Iron Man two. There are also like a 100s of Iron Man suits that fight back and keep coming out of nowhere when Tony is in trouble. He, of course, controls all of them.
The film starts showing us how Stark was suffering from his heart and lungs and that thing that was curing him is now also killing him slowly. He was broken, he wanted to escape and run away, but couldn’t because the world needed him to save it as usual.
The film will blow your mind and takes Iron Man and the technology to a totally different level. In this film, you will fall in love with Stark as much as the suit, and you will understand that their combination is really what defines him as a hero. You will also get to finally see Pepper getting into action and have a chance to actually get emotional and show how worried she is for Stark’s life and how much he means to her.
Updated 3 years ago