Before Sunrise - Movie revi...
Before Sunrise is the first film in the trilo...
By Reanna Quitzon1524
One doesn’t even imagine what they’ll run into watching Milos Forman’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. This movie truly is an iconic masterpiece, which is backed by how it has been named in countless Best/Favorite movie lists of all time.
The directing, writing, screenplay, and acting are more than superb, which is evident in it being the only film for 40 years to win The Academy’s top 5 awards.
On top of that, this movie was Jack Nicholson’s second movie of the year after The Passenger, which was also a box office hit. This is the reason some critics claim that this year alone sufficed a lifetime of approval for the actor’s career.
Despite all the great things you will have to say after watching it, you still might not completely grasp the true essence of the movie. Heck, you might not even get what it was about, the first time around.
The movie begins with Randle McMurphy, an incarcerated fellow who, in an attempt to get out of prison labor, acts insane, which lands him in a special ward for the mentally challenged.
The film is based on the best-selling book of Ken Kesey in 1962, which embodied an almost psychedelic representation of the whole American political scene in the 60’s.
Minus the fact that the movie is shot in 3rd person, while the book is written from the Chief’s perspective; the movie still accurately depicts the book’s psychedelic-ness.
One of the most interesting parts about this movie is figuring out who is meant by the “One” in the title’s name. When the movie is over, you’ll be left wondering was this movie about the overcoming of totalitarian government, maintaining social relationships, or is it just a rather gloomy comedy.
Whatever it is, you are bound to feel that it was a really satisfying film experience. After all, this movie is considered by some as the godfather of the Dark Comedy genre in general.
Updated 3 years ago