Grey’s Anatomy Season Three...
With an extremely dramatic end to the previou...
By Kathy Graves1122
The medical drama continues! Shonda Rhimes continues her medical drama show with more drama than ever. The first season ends with Addison Montgomery, formerly Shepherd, showing up and basically destroying anything between Meredith and Derek.
We also see appearances from new characters, like the one and only, McSteamy, Dr. Mark Sloan, played by Eric Dane.
With this season, the audience views one of the most memorable series speeches to ever be articulated: “pick me, choose me”. This, of course, was stated by none other than our favorite protagonist, Meredith Grey, as she was telling Derek “McDreamy” Shepherd to pick her over his wife.
Character-wise, this was quite interesting to see as Meredith rarely ever gets emotional about anything. We see that with her friendship with Cristina Yang, played by Sandra Oh.
We also see that she acts as though she is perfectly fine regarding her situation with her mother who has Alzheimer’s and her father who is not around, and several other situations that are portrayed throughout the show.
This scene was extremely emotional, but sadly, Derek at first, decides to try and work things out with his wife, Addison.
More drama like Derek calling Meredith a w***e, Cristina getting pregnant, Dr. Burke getting shot, George confessing his feelings to Meredith, and of course, one of the most heartbreaking moments in the show, when Denny Duquette (Dr. Burke’s patient and Izzie’s love interest) dies at the end of the season.
This season is full of ups and downs and it is clearly just a start to a truly riveting show. Katherine Heigl’s skills as an actress truly shine in those final episodes as we see a performance that is mesmerizing and extremely agonizing as she plays Izzie Stevens.
One of the best performances to be seen this season as well is by none other than Sandra Oh. Usually, with movies and series, when an actor plays a character that does not like to show emotions, the character ends up being bland and unenthusiastic.
Yet, Oh takes this character to newfound levels and as sarcastic and arrogant as she is, the audience grows to love her over the episodes. As the character unravels, we begin to see that she is extremely career-focused and will not let anything stand in her way, unless it’s love, sometimes though!
Generally, this season was full of episodes that were extremely emotional and left the audience in tears. Director and writer Shonda Rhimes really does portray her skills with this season as the unblinking audience would agree.
The characters are truly blossoming and show their colors, and only leave fans wanting more and more. This season gets a rating of 9/10.
Updated 3 years ago