The Flash - Season Five - R...
The Flash season five aired in October of 201...
By Ethan Griffin1050
Season six of The Flash aired in October of 2019, and ended in May of 2020 with the lowest episode count, at 19 episodes. The season however was not fully concluded due to the Covid-19 pandemic not allowing them to shoot or edit the final three episodes. Last season the show ended with The Flash finally destroying Cicada’s dagger, which leads to Reverse-Flash escaping his execution.
Once again Reverse Flash is resurrected. It was a compelling story in season 1, a little interesting in season 3, but this may be the 5th time that Reverse-Flash is the root of a problem.
Not only is it not interesting now, but it is also just outright difficult to watch. The show has just got the habit of not letting characters die, ever. Although they were once characters the audience loved, the show is now ruining any memory of when it was actually good.
It can safely be said that actor Tom Cavanaugh has played more roles in this series than he has in his entire career. There is no getting rid of him nor his plethora of characters. This season sees another cranky version of Harrison Wells but is now called Nash Wells. This time, he is basically an adventurous Indiana Jones type of Harrison Wells from Earth 2.
He does cause a lot of issues however within this season’s biggest storyline, which is bringing all the heroes on to one Earth and basically destroying the universe. “Crisis on Infinite Earths” is the sixth crossover event and maybe the longest, but not the best. With cheesy lines and completely unnatural acting, the crossover event went from possibly one of the more intriguing crossover events to one of the dullest.
The second half of this season has a completely different storyline and somehow does not clash with any of the 20 or so superheroes that are now on the same Earth. Iris is stuck in a mirror-verse along with Kamilla and Eva McCulloch and two other versions, who are Eva’s minions, replace them and are wreaking havoc on Central City on her behalf. Efrat Dor’s acting as Eva McCulloch is easily ranked as 10 top worst actings in The Flash, it is extremely corny and even cringe-worthy at times as well.
This season, by far is the most unbearable. More low-budget actors, less interesting storylines, less compelling scripts, and just outright tedious. For those who have been watching the show from the beginning, continuing this show is merely for the feel of closure and some curiosity as to what will happen next for the hero. It just becomes and has become disappointing, even with the little curiosity fans still have. This season gets a rating of 4.5/10.
Updated 3 years ago