The Flash - Season Four - R...
The Flash season four premiered in October of...
By Ethan Griffin1245
The Flash Season three premiered in October of 2016 and ended in May of 2017 with 23 episodes. Last season ended with Hunter Zolomon, aka Zoom, murdering Barry Allen’s father, after he had just gotten out of prison.
It seems like Barry just can’t catch a break with his family. Zoom challenges Barry to a race, to finally know who the fastest man alive truly is. Flash runs so fast that a time remnant is created, starts running on the magnetar but then sacrifices himself in order for it to get destroyed.
With the creation of the time remnant, a signal gets sent to the Speed Force and time wraiths come looking for Zoom – which was confusing to say the least, but at alas, no more Zoom.
We finally reach Flashpoint! Anyone who is a comic book fan and has read at least some of The Flash series, sure knows about Flashpoint and was for sure excited to see it on the show.
However, it did get a little disappointing. Flashpoint is a secondary timeline, created by Barry after he snapped, went back in time to save his mother from dying, and creating a timeline in which everything changes. He realizes that the timeline is unraveling and that the Speed Force was not accepting this change, so he goes back to the original timeline.
Although he thought everything had returned back to normal, many things changed, and now some of his team members have superpowers only seen in that alternate timeline.
One thing that got disappointing with this season was that Flashpoint was not a main story, rather a storyline inserted to enhance others. Another was that after it ended we saw the same storyline that was repeated in seasons one and two; a person they thought was good turns out to be bad.
With this season, the main villain, Savitar, turns out to be that time remnant who sacrificed himself before. Basically, if season three could be summed up it was Barry Allen battling with Barry Allen – on all front. First, it was emotional when he felt guilty for changing his friends’ lives, then when he left his mother to die, and now literally, while he’s battling an evil version of himself.
Also, Wells won’t die. We keep seeing Tom Cavanaugh play the same character over and over again. Albeit different versions of the character, the actor is not that skilled to make them completely different. It has started to just get repetitive and outright boring.
This season was by far the least impressive. The acting was sub-par at best, storylines were extremely boring – even the one thing that got fans excited, they did not really go with it and was cut pretty short. Overall, this season gets a rating of 6/10.
Updated 3 years ago